A Keene State College Safety Education Center Course.
Course Description: This one day course presents necessary information that qualified electrical workers need to know to work safely with electrical equipment and highlights the latest changes to 2021 NFPA 70E® “Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.” We will discuss the increased emphasis risk and hazard categories with supporting group activities and interaction. We will have electrical personal protective equipment to demonstrate, and discuss the importance of conducting an arc flash hazard analysis. Important changes to NFPA 70E® will include requirements to perform a Job Safety Plan, clarification in tables with new notes to outline device clearing time and use of rubber gloves with protectors as arc flash hand protection, and a new requirement for investigating every electrical mishap. Most of the electrical accidents and injuries in the workplace are the result of unsafe electrical work practices. Employers are required to provide a workplace safe from all recognized electrical hazards. To accomplish this goal an employer must incorporate applicable regulations in OSHA 29 CFR 1910 and 1926, as well as best industry practices outlined in consensus standards like the NFPA 70E® . This course covers hazards associated with working on or near exposed energized parts and safe work practices that could be implemented to reduce or eliminate these hazards. Attendees receive a copy of NFPA 70E®, online classes will receive an online version of NFPA 70E®.
Who should attend?: Electricians, Technicians, Maintenance Personnel, Engineers, Facilities or Maintenance Supervisors, and other qualified workers who may use a tester or work on electrical parts on an assembly line and are required to have electrical safety training to keep up with changes to NFPA 70E® 2021.
Days: 1 | Credits: 0.7 CEUs, TCH | $325
Course Section | Date(s) | Location |
NCSH-470-N7C_25 | July 16, 2025 | Keene, NH |