OSHA #7120 Introduction to Combustible Dust Hazards

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Course Description: The focus of this two-day course is to provide businesses within general industry with an opportunity to enhance their awareness of the hazards posed by combustible dust. The course will focus on recognizing the hazards and risks associated with combustible dust, as well as developing the controls and strategies that can help them prevent or mitigate combustible dust fires and explosions. Topics include: Combustible dust explosions as a national problem, recognized control and mitigation methods, and control of electrical installation hazards for combustible dust areas. In addition, the course will offer information on the National Emphasis Program (NEP) for combustible dust inspections and OSHA and consensus standards that impact industries that generate combustible dust. There is a test at the end of the course. The target audience is members of industry to include owners and managers, supervisors, maintenance and engineering staff, and other employees. Union officials and representatives may also benefit from attendance.

Days: 2 | Credits: 1.3 CEUs; 2.17 CMs  |  $395

Course Section Dates Location
NCOS-7120-N2C_25 February 3-4, 2025 Manchester, NH
NCOS-7120-N10C_25 October 7-8, 2025 Manchester, NH

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