As part of OSHA’s ongoing program evaluation process, periodic reviews of Outreach Trainers course documentation and rosters are conducted for all OTI Education Centers. As part of this audit, your Region 1 New England OTIEC is requesting that you address the following bullet points and have the following documentation available for each class you teach:
- Send in copies of the original OSHA PROGRAM REPORTS for each class you taught. PDFs are available for print on the portal.
- Did you use any guest speakers? ______ If yes, indicate if guest speaker is an authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer. Provide speaker’s name, a brief bio on the speaker’s qualifications, and subject matter each speaker covered.
- Send in a separate detailed agenda showing the days you taught, the subjects covered, and the time spent on each class. ** Include break times and lunch times.**
- Did you use any videos? ______ If yes, provide the titles and duration of each.
- Do you advertise your courses? ________ If yes, provide examples of advertising.
- Provide a written list of the materials you distribute to your classes. Do not send copies, just list what you distribute.
- Please send an example of the letter or certificate of completion that you give to your students upon completion of the 10 / 30 hour course.
- How do you distribute the individual 10 / 30 hour cards to the students?
- Send in a complete list of student names and contact information for each class. (name, address, phone, email)
- Send in Sign-in sheets for each day the class was held.
- Send copies of the completed DOL cards you issued, showing student name, trainer name and course completion date.