- Send in copies of the original OSHA PROGRAM REPORTS for each class you taught. PDFs are available for print on the portal.
- Did you use any guest speakers? ______ If yes, indicate if guest speaker is an authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer. Provide speaker’s name, a brief bio on the speaker’s qualifications, and subject matter each speaker covered.
- Send in a separate detailed agenda showing the days you taught, the subjects covered, and the time spent on each class. ** Include break times and lunch times.**
- Did you use any videos? ______ If yes, provide the titles and duration of each.
- Do you advertise your courses? ________ If yes, provide examples of advertising.
- Provide a written list of the materials you distribute to your classes. Do not send copies, just list what you distribute.
- Please send an example of the letter or certificate of completion that you give to your students upon completion of the 10 / 30 hour course.
- How do you distribute the individual 10 / 30 hour cards to the students?
- Send in a complete list of student names and contact information for each class. (name, address, phone, email)
- Send in Sign-in sheets for each day the class was held.
- Send copies of the completed DOL cards you issued, showing student name, trainer name and course completion date.
Outreach Trainer Audits: What To Expect
As part of OSHA’s ongoing program evaluation process, periodic reviews of Outreach Trainers course documentation and rosters are conducted for all OTI Education Centers. As part of this audit, your Region 1 New England OTIEC is requesting that you address the following bullet points and have the following documentation available for each class you teach:
Group Training Request
All OTI Education Center Region 1 courses are available for on-site, customized training. If interested in bringing a customized course to your workplace, please submit THIS FORM.
Find An Authorized Outreach Trainer
Are you looking for an Authorized Outreach Trainer to teach the OSHA 10 or 30 hour? OSHA has a searchable database.
SAFETY Event Calendar
ENTER your safety event or find an Event: Click Here
ROUNDTABLES: Check directly with the RT host for Cancellations.
Click here to view current available roundtables in your area.
Region 1 OTI Education Center Courses
Click here for the current OSHA Training Institute Education Center Safety and Health Course Schedule.
Click here for the Monthly Course Schedule.
Job Board
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New Contact/Change of Info
Click Here to fill out a New Contact or Change of Information Form .