NE Roundtable Presentations

2025:March 5, 2025: AI in Action- Practical Strategies for EHS & Operational ExcellenceFebruary 26, 2025: T ISO 14001 45001 Practical Approach 2025.02.27February 19, 2025: Safety Data Sheets The Driver of Many Other Environmental Health and Safety Programs_David...


REGISTER HERE How To Keep Teen Workers Safe Free webinar – December 9th from Noon to 1:00pm According to OSHA, young workers, ages 14-24, are at risk of workplace injury because of their inexperience at work and their physical, cognitive, and emotional...

#510, #511, #500 and #501 Exams – Important

Please read the following regarding your upcoming class. For the OSHA #510, #511, #500 and #501 classes we use a platform called Canvas Extend to administer these exams. You will receive an email that looks like this. The email will come from Extended UNH and let you...

Keep Teen Workers Safe – September 13, 2021

Join us in our effort to #KeepTeenWorkersSafe by being part of a Public Service Announcement (PSA) on empowering teen workers! We are asking teens/students to help us spread the word that teen workers have rights by recording and uploading video testimonials here:...