Danielle White of Cardi Corporation receives her SHS Construction from OTI Education Center instructor Mark Pereira.
Safety & Health Specialist certificate tracks are designed to improve the practical skills and knowledge of those with safety and health responsibilities on the job, as well as collateral duty employees and their representatives. Each certificate program consists of courses identified as “key” in opening the door for a solid foundation in OSHA standards and regulatory requirement solutions for your workplace.
The certificate tracks describe the number of core and elective courses required to successfully complete each certificate program. All courses applied towards certificate completion must have been completed within 5 years of certificate program completion date. Please plan accordingly. There are options in certificate electives to make up courses and hours. Please inquire.
Those enrolled in certificate programs under a prior format may continue with those tracks as planned OR opt to follow the new tracks to certificate completion….whichever best suits your schedule and knowledge requirements.
How to Get Started:
Step 1: Fill out the application and submit payment via our online portal. Click here.
Step 2: Complete the SHS Certificate Program completion form and submit it before your last class to OSHAed@Keene.edu.
The following are the current Safety & Health Specialist tracks:
Construction Safety & Health Specialist Certificate Program
Seven (7) Core Courses
click on titles for course details
OSHA #510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Construction
OSHA #3015 Excavation, Trenching, and Soil Mechanics
OSHA #3085 Principles of Scaffolding
OSHA #3095 Electrical Standards
OSHA #3115 Fall Protection
OSHA #7500 Introduction to Safety and Health Management
OSHA #7505 Introduction to Incident (Accident) Investigation
Electives: Complete an additional minimum of 26 Training Hours
click on titles for course details
OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene (26)
OSHA #2015 Hazardous Materials (26)
OSHA #2055 Cranes in Construction (20)
OSHA #2225 Respiratory Protection (26)
OSHA #2264 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry (20)
OSHA #7105 Introduction to Evacuation & Emergency Planning (6)
OSHA #7205 Health Hazard Awareness (7)
OSHA #7210 Pandemic Illness Preparedness (5.5)
OSHA #7215 Silica in Construction, Maritime, & Gen. Ind.(7)
OSHA #7225 Transitioning to Safer Chemicals (14)
OSHA #7300 Understanding OSHA’s Permit Required Confined Space Standard (7)
OSHA #7400 Noise Hazards & Hearing Protection in Construction & General Industries (7)
OSHA #7845 Recordkeeping Rule (7)
NCSH 424 Hands-On Fall Protection (7)
NCSH 461 Principles of Work Zone Safety (7)
NCSH 481 Principles of Work Zone Safety (26)
General Industry Safety & Health Specialist Certificate Program
Seven (7) Core Courses
click on titles for course details
OSHA #511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the General Industry
OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene
OSHA #2045 Machinery and Machine Guarding Standards
OSHA #2255 Principles of Ergonomics Applied to MSDs and Nerve Disorders
OSHA #7115 Lock Out/Tag Out
OSHA #7500 Introduction to Safety and Health Management
OSHA #7505 Introduction to Incident (Accident) Investigation
Electives: a minimum of an addition 26 course training hours
click on titles for course details
OSHA #2015 Hazardous Materials (26)
OSHA #2225 Respiratory Protection (26)
OSHA #2264 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry (20)
OSHA #3095 Electrical Standards (26)
OSHA #7005 Public Warehousing and Storage (7)
OSHA #7105 Introduction to Evacuation & Emergency Planning (7)
OSHA #7120 Introduction to Combustible Dust Hazards (13)
OSHA #7205 Health Hazard Awareness (7)
OSHA #7210 Pandemic Illness Preparedness (5.5)
OSHA #7215 Silica in Construction, Maritime, & Gen. Ind.(7)
OSHA #7225 Transitioning to Safer Chemicals (14)
OSHA #7300 Understanding to OSHA’s Permit-Required Confined Space Standard (7)
OSHA #7400 Noise Hazards & Hearing Protection in Construction & General Industries (7)
OSHA #7845 Recordkeeping Rule (7)
NCSH 470 Electrical Safe Work Practices/NFPA 70E® (7)
NCSH 481Process Safety Management for Highly Hazardous Chemicals Used in General Industry and Construction (26)
Industrial Hygiene Technician Safety & Health Specialist Certificate Program
This certificate is currently being revised. Many of the courses are still being offered. Please email Jen at Jen.English@Keene.edu with any questions.
*Please note as of June 28, 2021 OSHA #7215 Silica in Construction, Maritime, & Gen. Ind. is a core class and NCSH 480 is an elective. However, NCSH 480 can still be counted as a core if already completed the course.
*As of January 17, 2023 changes have been made to this certificate to make it easier to complete. NCSH 440 is replacing the NCSH 441, NCSH 442 and NCSH 449. If already taken these classes will be counted.
Seven (7) Core Courses
click on titles for details
OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene (26)
OSHA #2225 Respiratory Protection (26)
OSHA #7400 Noise Hazards: Hearing Protection & Noise in Construction & General Industry (5.5)
OSHA #7215 Silica in Construction, Maritime, & Gen. Ind.* (7)
OSHA #2255 Principles of Ergonomics (18)
Elective: Minimum 26 additional training hours:
click on titles for details
OSHA #7210 Pandemic Illness Preparedness (5.5)
OSHA #7225 Transitioning to Safer Chemicals (14)
OSHA #7845 Recordkeeping Rule (7)
NCSH 481 Process Safety Management (26)
NCSH 480 Globally Harmonized Systems (GHS) (6)
These classes are no longer being offered, but will be counted if already taken:
NCSH 444 Legionella, Mold and Bioaerosols: Managing Biological Hazards in the Workplace (7)
NCSH 445 Laboratory Safety (14)
NCSH 446 Indoor Air Quality (18)
Fire Prevention & Life Safety Safety & Health Specialist Certificate Program
click on course titles for details
NCSH 400/OSHA #7105 Fire Prevention & Life Safety
OSHA #511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the General Industry
OSHA #2015 Hazardous Materials
OSHA #2225 Respiratory Protection
OSHA #3095 Electrical Standards
OSHA #7120 Introduction to Combustible Dust Hazards
OSHA #7500 Safety & Health Management
Electives: complete an additional 26 course training hours from the following list
click on course titles for details
OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene (26)
OSHA #7115 Lock Out, Tag Out (7)
OSHA #7200 Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control for Healthcare Facilities (7)
OSHA #7210 Pandemic Illness Preparedness (5.5)
OSHA #7205 Health Hazard Awareness (7)
OSHA #7215 Silica in Construction, Maritime, & Gen. Ind.(7)
OSHA #7300 Understanding OSHA’s Permit-Required Confined Space Standards
OSHA #7505 Introduction to Incident (Accident) Investigation (7)
OSHA #7600 Disaster Site Worker (7-15)
OSHA #7845 Recordkeeping Rule (7)
NCSH 442 Industrial Ventilation (18)
NCSH 443 Radiation Protection (18)
NCSH 470 Electrical Safe Work Practices/NPFA 70E® (7)
NCSH 481 Process Safety Management for Highly Hazardous Chemicals Used in General Industry & Contruction (26)
NEW! Entertainment, Accommodations, Gaming Safety & Health Specialist Certificate Program
Seven (7) Core Courses
click on course titles for details
OSHA #511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the General Industry
OSHA #2045 Machinery & Machine Guarding Standards
OSHA #2255 Principles of Ergonomics
OSHA #7105 Intro to Evacuation & Emergency Planning
OSHA #7115 Lock Out Tag Out
OSHA #7200 Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control
NCSH #470 Electrical Safe Work Practices/Update to NFPA 70E®
Electives: complete an additional 26 course training hours from the following list
click on course titles for details
OSHA #2264 Permit Required Confined Space Entry (20)
OSHA #3085 Principles of Scaffolding (20)
OSHA #3115 Fall Protection (20)
OSHA #7005 Warehousing & Storage (7)
OSHA #7205 Health Hazard Awareness (7)
OSHA #7210 Pandemic Illness Preparedness (5.5)
OSHA #7300 Permit Required Confined Space Standards (7)
NCSH 400 Fire Prevention & Life Safety (28)
NCSH 446 Indoor Air Quality (18)
NCSH 461 Work Zone Safety (7)
NCSH 480 Globally Harmonized Systems (GHS) (6)
NCSH 485 Workplace Violence (7)
Contact Jen English at OSHAed@Keene.edu